Propel BusinessIs your employee mind restricting your business’ growth? Learn how to overthrow your employee mentality, step into your bold leadership shoes and watch your business grow exponentially!

Many small (and large) business owners find themselves in a difficult position when transitioning from seeing themselves as the craftsman or solopreneur to an owner of a business capable of generating more than six figures, and that is that you just can’t seem to crush that “employee” mindset when approaching your business.

You brought this baby to life, you worked tirelessly for hours on end at the beginning to get your brainchild off the ground and this hard working, task orientated approach has become ingrained in your everyday life. It’s an understandable (and common) predicament and one that can be combated with a little focus – and a nudge in the right direction.

One of the main issues with the limiting employee mindset is the short term nature of your thinking and actions. When thinking like an employee we focus on what is necessary in the moment – getting clients, putting up a squeeze page, finishing a deadline, how to fix what is broken, etc – and you find yourself falling deeper and deeper into the illusion that doing things yourself allows for a speedier return.

When you work each day under the shadow of this short term mindset you end up under-utilizing (if not, wasting) your best asset – leverage! As you step into your role as a leader you need to recognize where your strengths are, where your weaknesses are and how to approach them for the ultimate success of your business – and your own personal development.

Devoting all your time to short term tasks is merely depriving you, your business and your team from the growth and development that can be achieved when you truly identify your key strengths and make the jump to align those with the day to day running of your business.

So, how do you quash your employee mindset and start propelling your business into a new dimension? Well here are a few pointers to get your started…

1.     Decide Who Do You Need to Be – Decide who you need to be for your business and your team based on your strengths, weakness and what really lights your fire!

2.     Build a Solid Team Who Will Support Your Shift – Start building a team of focused, motivated, knowledgeable people who you can trust to take the weight off your shoulders as you learn how to lead and steer your business in a more powerful direction. The key here is to build the team you need for your future grow, not the team you need today.

3.     Learn To Let Go – You need to learn to relinquish control and get out of the way so others can be effective. Realize that to grow you want progress, not perfection. If you have 10 times as much done 90% right vs. 2 times as much done 100% right, that’s a Bold Leader’s Mindset.

Remember, no one gets beyond six figures alone… be willing to look at where your bottlenecks are keeping your business stuck where you are today.