Women Speakers Association WSA-TV highlights the inspiring work and advice from these dynamic women.


This April 7th episode features women leaders:
Kaeli van Regan, Eugenea Couture &  Sandy Glaze


Find out more about these WSA Leaders and Authors

Kaeli van Regan, author of “Parenting Your Way,” helps people to find peace within themselves and with their families so that they are able to thrive in life and help create a world filled with this quality. Learn more at http://www.livinginsideout.com

Eugenea Couture, author of “Adoption Not An Option,” advocates for Foster Youth and Families to protect the rights of foster children and families. Learn more at: http://www.eugeneacouture.com

Sandy Glaze, author of “Ending Global Loneliness; Finding Purpose, Love and Dynamic Relationships,” works with Men & Women who want to make an difference in the world and would like to connect more lovingly in their relationships. Learn more at: http://www.relearninglifecoaching.com

Host and Google Hangout On Air Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Social Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist, of http://SocialBuzzClub.com and http://TransformToday.com


Advice from our WSA Experts

We asked our featured guests to share some of the valuable wisdom with us.

Kaeli reminds “You have the wisdom within you to have the quality of life you desire for you and your family.”

Eugenea says “Every foster child has a story that represents their life that can truly have a tremendous impact to the future of children and families. The more we learn and know about children behind the scenes of foster care, the greater advantage we have in bringing a positive future in the best interest of the child.”

Sandy advises “If you are sensing you are missing something big in your life-you probably are. If you aren’t sure what it is you are meant to do-maybe it’s time to call on your inner wisdom to guide you towards what that is. I believe the key to unraveling the mysteries in life are buried deep within us. It’s from within our deep human nature that we will bring the answers to the surface.”

WSA-TV Authors