
I know a business associate who allowed the success of his business take over his identity. A real shame because before he built his empire, he was a little fish in a big pond who helped other little fish. He gave superior service to his “little  fish” clients just as he did his “big fish” clients. As his business grew, he began ignoring requests from the little fish, saying they weren’t worth his time. But that’s who helped him build his empire! He also forgot he was once a little fish in a big pond, too.

This can happen to us as speakers as we increase the audience size and receive more benefits/compensation each time we speak. It’s an incredible achievement in the speaking world to build a following of thousands, offer amazing events  and products and make a huge profit. This kind of success requires hard work and dedication but as some speakers build their empire can create a negative impact. For example, early followers may get the impression that the speaker is now untouchable or not approachable. A sense of authenticity may get lost in the transformation.

As your speaking empire grows, it is imperative to keep your true self attainable and be aware of how the growth will impact the “little fish” that once got you to where you are now. Don’t forget the local organizations like the Chamber of Commerce or Lions Club or Rotary that allowed you to practice your presentations and hone your speaking skills. When they call upon you to do them a favor, take a moment to reflect on this and say “yes.”