In our commitment to putting a stake in the ground for creating new standards and best practices for doing business in this new era, we are also continually looking for new channels for supporting our members in getting themselves and their core message out into the world.
Our Resource Center is the place for members to come to share their voice, get involved and maximize their membership. By setting up your profile in our Online Directory, you significantly increase your chances of being seen, booked and yes, even paid, by the meeting planners, media professionals and industry leaders who regularly visit our site.
Visit our library for past blog posts, back issues of our eNewsletter “The Voice”, and participate in our member surveys. Come back often as we are always adding to this section of our site and growing our pool of resources and tools for our members.
Peruse our blog archives in OUR LIBRARY
Review back issues of our eNewsletter, THE VOICE
Participate in OUR SURVEYS
See all of your MEMBER BENEFITS