This resource page gives you the tools you need to promote the Women Speakers Association Premier Membership to your online networks and communities.
As a reminder, WSA Premier Membership provides speakers with the opportunities and resources to
- Get more speaking gigs through an Online Member Directory listing
- Generate more leads through postings in the Global Industry Calendar
- Promote and sell products and services
- Gain exposure and leadership credibility by hosting events and guest blogging
- Increase visibility through special guest spotlights
- Network and build strategic alliances through monthly conference calls
- Connect, collaborate, and get support via social media networks
- And MUCH more
For each new $99 Premier Membership sign-up you generate, you receive a $20 commission!
Get Started: Your Promo Tools
To make it easy for you to start promoting WSA’s Premier Membership, we’ve developed a library of affiliate promo tools you can use. Simply insert your unique affiliate registration link wherever you see “<~insert link>.” Feel free to modify any of the copy below to make it sound authentically your own.
Reminder: Your registration link was sent to you via e-mail. If you need help retrieving it, please contact Vickie Nickel & Associates at
Sample Banners
Use any of these banners on your website or social media pages. To download a file to your computer, right-click the images, and select “Save image as…” Then, upload the file wherever you want to post it. If you use an image, remember to add your affiliate link to the image. If you need assistance with adding your affiliate link to your chosen application, please don’t hesitate to contact Vickie Nickel & Associates at
White Background – 160 x 186 pixels
White Background Banner – 462 x 56 pixels
Black Background – 153 x 235 pixels
Sample E-Mail Copy 1
SUBJECT LINE: You deserve this
Hi [ Name ],
When was the last time you did something to help YOU – your business, your career, your sense of fulfillment and purpose?
You deserve to do something great for yourself, like joining a powerful networking and professional development community of women speakers across the globe.
The Women Speakers Association has the resources and tools to increase your visibility, boost your credibility, and help you land more speaking gigs. Along the way, you can also use their tools to share your events and product launches AND promote and sell your products and services.
<~insert link>
For $99, you can start your Premier Membership with the Women Speakers Association and get access to over 20 rich, career-boosting benefits.
Remember, you deserve this!
<~insert link>
Thank you,
[ Your Name ]
Sample E-Mail Copy 2
SUBJECT LINE: Share your message with the world
Hi [ Name ],
Make your voice heard – not just in your city, state, or region, but also GLOBALLY! By joining a community of women speakers from over 120 countries and across six continents, you can make this happen.
<~insert link>
The Women Speakers Association is currently offering its Premier Membership for $99. Premier Membership gives you access to
- Online Member Directory
- Global Industry Calendar
- Weekly Twitter SpeakerChats
- Collaborative Live Events
- Exclusive Members-Only Gifts
- Discounts & Much More
<~insert link>
Share your message with the world, and use the Women Speakers Association as your platform. Join us today!
[ Your Name ]
Sample E-Mail Copy 3
SUBJECT LINE: Community, Community, Community
Hi [ Name ],
I can’t emphasize enough the power that community has on your speaking business. It’s what connects, empowers, and develops us. It keeps us accountable and grounds us. Most important, it opens doors that we never could have imagined.
So what’s your community? Mine is the Women Speakers Association, a global network of women in over 120 countries across six continents.
<~insert link>
Join me by signing up for a Premier Membership, which gives you access to
- Online Member Directory
- Global Industry Calendar
- Weekly Twitter SpeakerChats
- Collaborative Live Events
- Exclusive Members-Only Gifts
- Discounts & Much More
Your Premier Membership will more than pay for itself as you generate more leads, land more speaking gigs, boost your visibility and credibility, and sell more products and services.
Register for this amazing community through the link below:
<~insert link>
Thank you,
[ Your Name ]
Sample Twitter Copy
Attn women speakers: Join a community that helps you get seen, booked, & paid! Learn more at <~insert link> #network
Connected speakers get more gigs, generate more leads, & sell more products. #network #collaborate <~insert link>
The Women Speakers Association is the FIRST-EVER global community for women speakers. Join at <~insert link>
Want more from your speaking career? Check out the Women Speakers Association Premier Membership: <~insert link>
Sample Facebook Copy
What’s ONLY $99 and comes with 20 rich, career-boosting benefits? It’s the Women Speakers Association Premier Membership! Grow your visibility, land more speaking gigs, boost your credibility, sell more products and services, and connect with an inspiring, empowered group of women who are fulfilling their missions worldwide. Learn more and join at <~insert link>
Are you part of the Women Speakers Association yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Get listed in the Online Member Directory, get your events on the Global Industry Calendar, and take advantage of the Global WSA Marketplace to promote and sell your products and services. The benefits don’t end there! Find out more, and sign up at <~insert link>
Give yourself the gift of growth and development as a speaker. Join a powerful, global community of women speakers who are fulfilling their missions and making their voices heard – and making a good living at it too! Register for a Women Speakers Association Premier Membership at <~insert link>
Other Ideas for Promotion
- Turn one of the sample e-mails above into a blog post for your website
- Write an article about WSA for the business section of your local newspaper
- Spread the word on LinkedIn, using one of the sample Facebook posts above
- Share WSA’s Premier Membership benefits at an upcoming networking event
Have another idea you’d like to get feedback on? Contact us at We’re happy to help!
About the WSA Affiliate Program
The Women Speakers Association Premier Membership affiliate program was created by Vickie Nickel & Associates, a partner of WSA. Vickie Nickel & Associates is a business management firm that provides specialized marketing management to speakers, authors, and coaches.
Services include speaking engagement research, digital product launches, blog and social media management, SEO, e-mail newsletters, and more. Click here to learn more about how Vickie Nickel & Associates can help you master and grow the marketing side of your speaking business.