To maximize your exposure as a blogger, it is helpful to comment regularly on other posts. To help ensure this is a comfortable space for everyone, some moderation will be necessary. Our Content Strategist reserves the right to delete posts or comments, with or without explanation.
- Discussions, posts, and comments may not include insulting, hurtful, or offensive language. Constructive dialogue between people of differing opinions is highly encouraged, so long as they are related to the content and purpose of the post.
- Post a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. If you have more to say, you can submit your own post to our Content Strategist for posting consideration.
- Avoid postings that are limited to ‘I agree’ or ‘great idea’, etc. If you agree (or disagree) with a post, add a supporting your statement with concepts from the readings or by bringing in a related example or experience.
- Address the questions as much as possible (don’t let the discussion stray). Build on others’ responses to further develop threads.
- You may quote from original post to support your comments, as well as include relevant links when you quote from other outside sources.