Delivering a Killer Testimonial Can Help Grow Your Visibility

Have you noticed that some people’s testimonials seem to be at the top of the page of the most prominent thought leaders in your industry? And have ever you wondered how these ordinary people manage to get so much prime space and visibility where it really counts? What is it about their testimonials that put them above the rest? What’s their secret?


There definitely is an art and science to giving a great testimonial and what’s even better, you can strategically use it as a lead generation system for yourself. What’s that you ask? How is giving a testimonial going to help you generate leads?


Well, besides the obvious reason, that the better your testimonial is, the higher it will be on a webpage and the more places it will be used, a great testimonial is so much more. A great testimonial is a reflection on you. When you talk positively about others, the same qualities are reflected in you. If you talk about the quality of the product, it shows that you are a person who values quality. Which means everything you sell is held to the same high quality standards. If you talk about how you were listened to and felt understood that means you do the same for your clients.


How do you give a GREAT testimonial?


First, be sure it’s a product or an expert that you believe in. Next, really think about the product, service or the person you are endorsing and write down some of the specific aspects you can talk about. The more specific you are the better. What do you really like about it? It’s very likely that you can give 3 or 4 testimonials for the same product. What’s more, there are some things that you can talk about without even being a customer. For example: It could be about the initial contact… “I was really concerned about calling to get more information. I didn’t want to be pushed into signing up for the program but to my surprise, they took the time to answer all of my questions so I could decide for myself if the program was right for me.” This testimonial will definitely increase the number of people calling in for more information, that means more people registering for the program, which means it will be used wherever possible and that means more visibility and leads for you!


Learn to master the art and science of giving powerful endorsements and watch the positioning of your testimonials rise to the top of the websites and increase you own exposure.


Ann DeVere,
The Global Visibility Broker


If you have aspirations to be on Good Morning America, CNN, 60 minutes or any talk show of your choice, Ann DeVere, the executive producer of “Access To Experts” TV and her EMMY award winning production team at “TV Interview Mastery” academy is where you go to get ready and get on your way.