Founding Team Members

Liora Mendeloff

President & Founder
Santa Monica, CA


Liora’s Bio

Liora Mendeloff is the Founder of Women Speakers Association, the first ever global gathering place for women speakers to collaborate, mastermind and mentor one another in the call to empower the voice of the 21st Century woman. Liora’s passion is to facilitate getting women and their core message out into the world, her commitment as CEO & Founder of, the pros’ secret tool for getting seen, booked and paid!

Liora has worked extensively with best-selling authors, experts and rising stars in the personal/professional development industry as the former owner of a boutique speaker agency dedicated to getting women speakers on the global platform. For the past 20+ years, Liora has worked behind-the-scenes with some of the world’s greatest thought leaders, government officials, celebrities and entrepreneurs (like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chicken Soup For The Soul’s Mark Victor Hansen and actress Cathy Lee Crosby) in helping them fulfill their vision.

Liora serves on the Board of Women’s National Book Association LA, World Trust Foundation and is a Founding Member of Association of Transformational Leaders. With a degree in Women Studies from University of California Santa Cruz, Liora has been deeply passionate about empowering women to find and express their voice in the world for almost 25 years.

Why WSA?

After 20+ years behind-the-scenes in the speaking industry, I’ve watched it evolve in extraordinary ways. It’s evident that what’s worked in the past doesn’t work any longer. The mindset and models around sales and marketing, competition and trade secrets, the hierarchy of putting “gurus” on pedestals, etc. has served a purpose up until now and has gotten us to where we are. This is truly something to be grateful for. However, we’ve outgrown those pants and are ready for something greater, something more expansive.

As this universal fundamental shift occurs from an external referencing to an internal driving force calling the shots, the days of questioning our own competence, denying our own inner-knowing, neglecting the power to express what’s really burning inside us…are over. The time has come for all of who we really are to come bursting forth. I believe that Women Speakers Association is just the place for us to join forces and support one another in collectively designing who we want to be as individuals, as a community, as an industry, and as a global family.

Gail Watson

Vice-President & Founding Partner
North Vancouver, BC


Gail’s Bio

Gail is an international Email Marketing Expert speaker who teaches powerful internet marketing and networking strategies to motivate change today. She helps many companies increase their bottom-line by collecting the money they had left on the table, by not having a structured, and successful follow-up plan in place. Gail specializes in breaking down complex ideas into terms that anyone can follow and understand. It’s all about less talk and more do. As the President of the Internet Marketing firm eXtra Contact, Gail has trained companies innovative techniques to improve bottom line results. She has helped diverse clientele from Hollywood top wage earners, to restaurant owners and software companies, to non-profit organizations, to international seminar leaders, entertainment professionals, businesses of various sizes, products, and authors. Gail has been featured in a number of publications including The Globe and Mail, National Post, Financial Post, CanWest Global across Canada, and ABC radio affiliates.

Why WSA?

We as women are pros when it comes to multi-tasking in our attempt to balancing family, career, friends and our well-being. When “life happens” it often threatens these components that we work so hard to keep in motion. A woman will protect her family and household first, often sacrificing her own business and health. She puts many before herself. I believe no woman should have to fall when going through hard times. What if we actually reached out to help our “sisters” in a time of need, showed compassion, not only through words, but through our actions? What if we didn’t just talk about it, but took a stand to protect one another and show we will not tolerate seeing another woman being taking advantage of or cast to the wayside in a time of need? Women speakers Association is the forum to unite like-minded women who believe that walking the talk lends strength to all women. In this environment, we are equal and we are all in this together.