by Gail Watson

We as women are pros when it comes to multi-tasking in our attempt to balancing family, career, friends and our well-being. When “life happens” it often threatens these components that we work so hard to keep in motion. A woman will protect her family and household first, often sacrificing her own business and health. She puts many before herself. I believe no woman should have to fall when going through hard times. What if we actually reached out to help our “sisters” in a time of need, showed compassion, not only through words, but through our actions?
What if we didn’t just talk about it, but took a stand to protect one another and show we will not tolerate seeing another woman being taking advantage of or cast to the wayside in a time of need? Women Speakers Association is the forum to unite like-minded women who believe that walking the talk lends strength to all women. In this environment, we are equal and we are all in this together.

Gail Watson is an International Email Marketing Expert and Speaker, who teaches powerful internet marketing and networking strategies to motivate change and helps companies to increase their bottom-line by collecting the money they had left on the table.