By Renee Piane, President, Rapid Dating & Networking

Valentine’s Day is upon us & what a great time to look at the love & beauty that surrounds us. Whether paired up or solo are we content in our own hearts?  So many of us feel the media pressure since the focus is on romance & some of us busy wonder women speakers are riding solo. Some people don’t “get” Valentines Day so here are some of my Take Time for LOVE Tips for my speaker sisters whether you are paired up or not to have the best day ever!

Single? Be your own Valentine! Stay in gratitude! Write yourself a love letter & spoil YOU with a massage, music, a new journal. Go to a Singles Party! Take the lead & plan a “LOVE CLUB” party with reservations at a low key spot or have everyone bring a dish, dessert & a single friend for a fun potluck. Rent a few romantic films, share your Love Visions and toast to Love to come!  Guests are asked to bring a small gift to exchange (flowers, poem…) to celebrate love & friendship.

In Love?
It’s a day to be romantic & playful. Some feel so much pressure to buy that perfect gift, so subtle hints are great in casual conversations. Take the lead & tell your partner you have something special planned…candles, massage, a hot bath, their favorite foods…use your imagination & remember, many people are visual so wear something that brings out the goddess in you.

Casual Daters? Why not send a token of affection to a new friend even if you are not in love?

* Send a light funny E card

* Leave hershey kisses or a small box of chocolates on their doorstep

* Plan a lunch date with your love & go out with friends later.

* Get Real and say “Hey I like you but we aren’t at the “Valentines Day Stage” yet. I am getting together with friends for a dinner if you’d like to join us.” Take the pressure off & relax!

Spread the love and it will show up in your life! Happy Valentines Day!

Renee Piane, pioneer President of Rapid Dating & Networking has matched thousands of people for love, friendship & business. Author, Speaker TV Host & Love Expert, her mission is to create connections & ignite and enhance the love & social lives of others with powerful resources, social events & services.