By Tami Walsh, Life Coach For Teen Girls

As an advocate for teen girls and public speaker, never before have I felt more passionate about a mission, which fosters authentic self expression for women of all ages, races and stages in life.  Women Speakers Association will be the midwife for the global birth of women and girls’ voices to be expressed and embraced in a revolutionary way; one that has never been done before.  Inspired women will finally have a forum to come together in oneness, collaboration and mutual empowerment to effect mass change for the good of our planet.  I am in with both feet!!

Tami Walsh, M.A. is President of the San Diego based teen empowerment company, Teen Wisdom Inc. Tami is the first life coach for teen girls in the country and has impacted the lives of over 10,000 teenage girls nationwide. Tami is committed to impacting 2 million teen girls by training 1,000 women worldwide to be Certified Teen Wisdom Life Coaches.