By Jane Deuber, Business Strategist

Having moved through the world as “trainer” for nearly two decades now, I’ve noticed some important trends that point to an urgent need for us to evolve the way we deliver our gifts and impact change in the lives of our clients. It’s a shift that is on the rise due to technology, a faster pace of life and an increase in options for our personal and business transformation. In response to this shift, I’ve “changed-up” the way I deliver my own programs and content, to the point that it has completely altered my business model. I’m curious as to whether some of what I’ve found rings true for you too.

Our clients need…

• More of us than they can afford. The transformation they are seeking requires more than a tele-training, downloadable PFD, or even a half-day of training.

• To feel that we are with them on their journey. This creates a sense of connection and inspires them to apply to their lives the insights they have gained.

• Time to test drive and apply what we teach. Once that’s done, they need a safe place to share their Ahas, their “stuckness” and their celebrations.

• To feel seen and valued. When they move beyond feeling like they are one among the masses, something shifts in them. They show up, they take action and they literally transform.

As trainers we need…

• A way to “give more” without zapping us of more time, energy and capital

• A simpler model that allows us to stay in our zone of genius and out of the day-to-day stuff that takes us off course and has us spinning our wheels.

• A way to leverage our efforts so that every call, training and course becomes an important piece of our business model that leads to long-term recurring revenues.

• To know that our work is making a difference. This can only come from having tools in place to acknowledge our client’s forward movement, assess their evolution and step in when they get stuck.

My shot at a solution…

Recognizing this five years ago I set out to create a course delivery model that I now use to deliver my courses to a virtual audience that spans 12 countries. What’s more significant than having generated over a half a million in virtual course revenues, the formula I use impacts change at a “soulular” level, far surpassing the outdated content delivery methods of the past.

As you look to design the next evolution of YOUR content delivery, be sure it includes these important components…

• Accountability – holding them accountable for the steps they commit to take

• Progression Tracking – knowing where clients are on the course journey

• Recognition – acknowledgement of the steps they are taking

• Measurement – a tangible way to assess how they have grown

• Ease – a simple, easy-to-navigate learning environment.

• Focus – A simple learning environment that keeps them focused on their next steps.

For additional free resources on taking your content virtual, check out the following pages:

How to Turn Your Content Into Cash:

Four Steps to Monetizing Your Brilliance:

Here’s to the next evolution of bringing our brilliance to others!

Jane Deuber is a speaker, author, and sought after business strategist to big thinking entrepreneurs around the world. Jane is on a mission to transform the entrepreneurial experience into one that is deeply rewarding, highly profitable and truly life-changing. Jane’s newest company – The Virtual Training Academy – is breaking new ground by helping thought leaders transforming their life-changing content into highly profitable, interactive online courses.