By Debbie Carr, Director, Coyote Management International Professional Speakers Bureau

Having been in the Speaker Bureau industry since 2004 with my first bureau, I noticed that I was often asked to shortlist women speakers, however my bureau at the time didn’t have that many women. In fact mostly my shortlisted speakers were male! I actually struggled to find women speakers.

With a little bit of research I noticed that other bureaux had a far greater number of male speakers than female also. Ah ah! I thought, there is a niche market here so Voxy Lady Women Speakers was formed in 2009, which is Australia’s first and only Women’s Speaker Bureau! It wasn’t until earlier this year that the bureau began heavy marketing and I am pleased to say the positive response has been amazing!

Soon we are to launch our new brand with a great new website, name and look and in the meantime we will be seeking to find the world’s most amazing women speakers as a source of great talent for Australian Conferences, meetings and events.

Debbie Carr is Director of True Colours Recruitment, True Colours Keynotes and Principal of Coyote Management International Professional Speakers Bureau.