By Robbie Motter, Speaker/Coach/Author

In today’s world being a speaker is even more rewarding, as each of us have a talent to share with our listening audience that helps them to become motivated, and also provides them with the tools they need to soar to even greater heights in their own personal success. Sometimes it is only one sentence that gives them an AH HA moment of “Wow this is just what I needed” and then they go back to their jobs and their lives and get excited about what is next.

I know that in my life I have been told so many times that what I gave them from my presentation made a difference in their lives , and I know many of you who read this who are speakers and trainers have heard the same thing.

We all have so much information to give, so as speakers our next step is to write our book, yet many of us have so many books in us but just never seem to find the time to get it on paper. What works is to set a timeline and then find someone that will hold you accountable to complete the task. ASK others that have written their books for tips, publishers and things they learned in writing their book or books as it will make your task so much easier. Having a book or even creating audio’s and video’s will quickly give you items to sell in the back of the room when you speak. Also having a book, people recognize you as an expert on the subject that your book is about.

Perhaps you could even collaborate with someone to work on the book with you, as collaborations are the best way for us all to work together, as it allows each of the individuals to share what their best skill is in completing the task. So perhaps for you it could be a ghost writer or a personal assistant to help you achieve the goal of getting that book finished. So many of us have books in us and yet we never seem to find the time to get them done. So by having others on your team the task will be much easier.

So my wonderful Speaker friends, lets journey together to a world of magic where we transform the world into great learning and success because each of YOU possess such talent to share.

Robbie Motter is a certified national speaker, author, marketing and PR Consultant, and serves as the Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator for NAFE, the largest global nework for Women. She is also a member of the Council of the Women’s Speakers Assoc.