By Heather Porter, Online Architect

For the last couple of years the current business models used in the speaking industry seems to be shifting dramatically and what has worked in the past is not working now.  What has inspired and moved audiences has left them unresponsive and even cynical now.  The marketing statement “walking the talk” has been slowly diluted over time because many speakers with questionable intentions have used it. Or maybe it has never been defined in the first place?  What does “walking the talk” really mean anyway?  And how do you find these experts, these gurus, these silent inspirations that are leading by example?   How do you find those that are leading by being transparent on and off the stage, that are leading just by being?  I see WSA as a new movement that is imperative to be a part of to see what is going to happen next on platforms around the world.

Heather Porter has produced and managed events for over 15 years in more than 80 cities and 20 countries around the world with some of the world’s top speakers, leaders and experts ranging from 10,000 person seminars to exclusive adventure travel trips. From there she decided to pursue her passion for helping experts and businesses brand and grow their businesses online using the tools the world’s best internet marketers use in their own businesses.