Raise your priceOne of the fastest ways to increase revenues is to raise your prices. But 9 out of 10 times when I suggest this approach to getting more income in the bank, the entrepreneur I’m coaching will resist with…

“But I can’t get people to pay me for what I charge right now!”

“But no one in my industry charges that much!”

“The economy is down — how will I justify charging more?”

It’s not realistic for most of us to work anymore than we already do (nor is it necessary.) What IS necessary is a change in your thinking!

Think of it this way: What you are asking your prospects to pay right now is all made up. Why not charge what you are really worth?

The resistance to raising rates comes from your own made up limitations about what you believe is possible. Even if you are currently at the top of your industry, just because everyone else isn’t charging a higher rate doesn’t mean you can’t do it.

In order to achieve consistent six, seven or even eight figure revenues — you have to be able to sell more. One of the fastest ways to do that is to increase your rates. If you can’t see “how” to do that, you might need to evaluate your limiting beliefs.

Here’s your first breakthrough: decide you deserve it and put one of my ten “Price Raising” ideas into action this week. (Yes I said this week. What would you be waiting for anyway?)

  1. Change Who You Sell To.  If your current prospects balk at your rates then upgrade your pool of prospects to people who get your value and are eager to pay top dollar for high quality.
  2. Offer Packages Not Hourly Rates.  Stop trapping yourself in the dollars for hours dance and put packages together that your clients pay for in full (or finance over a few months.
  3. Volumize Transactions.  Instead of trying to sell one product or get one new client at a time, think, “How can I sell this in volume?”
  4. Offer a VIP Version. People love to be treated like a VIP and expect to pay higher prices for that kind of service. Offer VIP level access, customized consulting day, premium level services, etc.
  5. Upsell at Point of Sale.  By offering a complimentary product or an additional service at the point of purchase, you can increase your revenues dramatically.
  6. Down-sell to non-buyers.  Offer a non-buyer other solutions that might be a better fit. Test a lower priced offering or a different type of solution all together.
  7. Cross-Sell Your Affiliates and Partners.   Just because they didn’t buy from you right now doesn’t mean they won’t buy something. Set up a rotating series of offers of affiliate offerings that are similar or complimentary.

Now its your turn. Pick one (or more) and put the “Price Raising” ideas into action. You might even discover that you’ll have more sales to ideal clients on the other side.