PippaMoyePippa Moye

Therapist and Coach

London, England, UK



Pippa Moye is a therapist and coach specialising in stress management. She works with men and women who are creative, empathic, self-aware and sensitive to the world around them. She teaches them how to manage and protect their energy and state of mind: how to avoid being overwhelmed by lifestyle demands, negative self-talk and other people’s emotions.

Pippa is the owner of Silver Ray Healing Therapies. She is a Reiki Master-Teacher, Meditation Tutor and Holistic Therapist. She is highly skilled in energy healing and intuitive guidance. From August 2015 she will also be a Catalyst Life Coach, using Positive Psychology techniques to help clients move past mental and emotional obstacles. She has succeeded in helping her clients to reduce their anxiety levels, move through spells of depression and regain their confidence, sense of control, and ability to progress in the direction they want.

Through teaching Reiki and Meditation, Pippa enables her students to tap into their own healing ability and to find peace of mind. She facilitates spiritual and personal development, with an emphasis on mindfulness and finding balance in everyday life. She aims to inspire and empower, encouraging students to trust their inner voice. A student, having completed Reiki 1st Degree with Pippa said: “she has provided me with the necessary tools that will nourish my soul”.

Pippa’s company was nominated in the “What’s On 4 Me?” Awards in 2014 and was a finalist in the category of “Best Relaxation, Retreat and Getaway Provider”. Pippa is available to run wellbeing workshops in corporate and community settings. She also gives talks and radio interviews on topics such as “Reiki 101”, “Healthy Ways to Handle Stress” and “The Power of Self-Belief”.


Why WSA?

I joined WSA as an aspiring speaker and business-woman. I saw the enormous range of skills and resources available and knew that I would be crazy not to tap into this well of expertise. I was also attracted by the goals and ethos of WSA: the commitment to help each other survive and thrive.

My Premier membership has quickly paid for itself through the connections and opportunities that have become available in the UK chapter of WSA. It is priceless to be able to have real life networking and training. Our strength is in the quality of people we bring in. The amount of talent in the room amazes me every time. A lot of women are unsure how to bring their talent to the world and that’s where WSA comes in: providing each other with skills, contacts, encouragement and practical help to get where we want and deserve to be.

The difference between this and other women’s networking that I’ve experienced is the warmth and sharing in the room. We will go from strength to strength and I’m truly honoured to be part of this adventure.


Connect with Pippa


Twitter: Twitter.com/PippaSilverRay