Women Speakers Association WSA-TV highlights the inspiring work and advice from these dynamic women.


This episode features women leaders:

Sirena Pellarolo, PhD & Diana Ng aka Labrynth Lady


Find out more about these WSA Leaders

Sirena Pellarolo, PhD is a Midlife Midwife, who supports women in their menopause years to manage their symptoms naturally. She is passionate about helping others activate their inner treasures and play full on so that together, we a more egalitarian and loving way of living in this planet. Learn more about Sirena at http://SirenaPellarolo.com

Diana Ng aka The Labyrinth Lady works with women 40 to 70 years old, who are experiencing life challenges or transitions. They are seeking ways to help them be more grounded and peaceful. http://www.labyrinthlady.ca

Host and Google Hangout On Air Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Social Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist, of http://SocialBuzzClub.com and http://TransformToday.com

Advice from our WSA Experts

We asked our featured guests to share some of the valuable wisdom that they use with their clients.

Sirena says to believe in yourself and let go of what doesn’t serve your purpose anymore.

Diana asks you to do three things: Remember to hold onto moments worth keeping; walk more in nature–beaches, forest, and mountains–to develop a sense of wonder; be grateful for 3 things each day.