Running a business is one of the most challenging careers you can choose.

To increase chances of success, you must build a strong foundation.


On this March 9th WSA-TV episode our experts explores the key foundational elements needed for businesses to thrive,

featuring: Kari Hagensmith and Paulina Lopez


Advice from our WSA Experts

We asked our featured guests to share some of their valuable wisdom with us.

Kari reminds us to “Embrace the full scope of business to truly strengthen your potential to be wildly successful. Sales and Marketing are only 2 areas of business, by focusing on all 12 areas of business you can create a stability that most businesses never achieve.”

Paulina says “There are so much advice and many systems, structures and strategies available out there but the truth is if you lack self-CONFIDENCE, you will NOT do anything with the information. You will stop yourself! A person MUST first have an accurate and positive view of themselves before taking inspired action; otherwise they will get stuck in a continuing pattern of limiting beliefs.”


Foundation - WSA-TV


Kari Hagensmith is a speaker, author and co-founder of The Secret Weapon Inc. She works with business owners who are bursting with energy but lack focus or direction. The Secret Weapon is known for taking businesses from merely functional to fully operational. Following our strategic planning process has given our clients the ability to increase capacity to take on more business or the opportunity to expand their business. Learn about her 12 foundational areas for business success at

Paulina Lopez is a Speaker, Author, Coach & Business Strategist. She works with women seeking CONFIDENCE to make a greater impact and 1) Have an idea for a business, but needs accountability and support to get it off the ground. 2) Are just getting started and want a shortcut to the strategies that will get them results now.
3) Already have a business, but feel a lack confidence, clarity and focus in the day to day activities. Find out more at

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: