Have you ever wondered how you can make a bigger difference?

Perhaps you have a passion, you have a message. If you know how to make it go viral, you can help more people. That’s the idea behind scaling your impact. It’s not hard. A few clever tactics that you may not normally think of can actually help you make a difference more deeply and more widely. Find out how kindness plays a significant role in your effectiveness at having the impact you want. Would you like to know how stories can scale your impact?

On this June 21st WSA-TV episode our Premier Women Speakers share a unique take on how to exponentially support people and be the strongest contribution you can be.

Featuring: Becky Norwood & Jeanne Zierhoffer


Advice from our WSA Experts

We asked our featured guests to share some of their valuable wisdom with us.

Becky says “Your Story Matters! There is not one of us that can get through this life without something that has rocked our world, in either a good way or a tough way. Maybe that experience sent you to the depths of despair or sadness and you had to dig deep to overcome, or it was one of those breakthrough aha’s that changed everything for you. And sharing your story with the world could change someone else’s life for the better in ways you could never imagined.”

Jeanne reminds us that “if we all took a moment before we speak & think about who the other person or persons are, we could bring more peace to the world.”

make a bigger difference


Becky Norwood is a Book Publishing Expert she works with aspiring and published authors. She helps new authors become #1 bestselling authors and teaches published authors how to keep their books out of the cobwebs of cyberspace. Learn more about Becky and her work at https://www.spotlightonyourbusiness.com

Jeanne Zierhoffer is Business Development Specialist who works with corporate and sales professionals. She trains professionals how to communicate efficiently using her 30 year of expertise & our B.A.N.K.™ personality methodology & sales training system. Learn more about how self- mastery of communication is key to create a sustainable winning business http://MYBANKCODE.COM/WOW

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: http://TransformToday.com