Getting on stage can feel foreign and nerve wracking to some.

Others get on stage and ham it up and feel like they can be there all day. What’s the difference? And no, you don’t have to be a ham to feel comfortable and have fun. It all begins way before you ever step on stage. Even those who ham it up, may value these expert tips.

The more authentic a speaker is, the more engaged the audience will be. You’ve seen it and felt it when you’ve watched a speaker who has captivated your soul. Spoiler alert: they don’t have anything different from you. You have everything you need to step on stage and draw an audience in. You just need to settle into your body and know how to use it.

On this August 29th WSA-TV Premier Show episode our guest experts reveal how to demystify how to step into your authentic power on stage.

Featuring:  Lauri Smith & Melissa Redd

Advice from our WSA Experts

We asked our featured guests to share some of their valuable wisdom with us.

Lauri says “We are all born with charisma, but society beats our charisma down – teaching us to suppress our true selves in order to fit in. Our innate charisma gets unleashed, not by what we say or do, but by being fully who we are. In order to stand in your power and speak your truth in a compelling way, treat speaking as an opportunity to honor your purpose. Invite your audience on a journey with you (energetically, underneath the words – not necessarily changing anything you say) by listening to their non-verbal half of the conversation while using full, deep, luxurious breaths, powerful pauses, and the sound of your voice to touch them.”

Melissa suggests that you “Go to my website and sign up for my free video class on meditation, go to my website, and sign up for my 90-day meditation program Bliss X.”

Lauri Smith is the CEO of Voice Matters, a Speaker, Author, and Coach. She works with change-makers, leaders and entrepreneurs and support other speakers which she enjoys so much that she forgets to get out there and speak herself. She helps change-makers stand in their power and speak their truth – from the bedroom to the Board Room, to the TED Talks Stage – so that they can make their mark on the world. Learn more about Lauri and her work at

Melissa Redd is a Meditation Teacher & Retreat Leader. She helps women between the ages of 32 to 70 see the benefits that Yoga & Meditation can have. Her clients say: “I get calm, I get my center back, I can finally relax, I can slow my mind down, I have less anxiety and less tension, I have better sleep, I have less tight muscles, I can acknowledge my stress, I feel better, I look younger, I can take on the work day with less stress and more productivity.” Learn more about Melissa and her work at

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: