When Women Speak, People Listen

Thus Voices of the 21st Century: Bold, Brave, And Brilliant Women Who Make a Difference became a best seller in 3 categories in just a few hours of the official launch on September 10, 2019. It’s available at http://voicesofthe21stcenturybook.com

50 authors took their pens to paper (or their fingers to keyboards) and produced a body of work that became the book “Voices of the 21st Century: Bold, Brave, And Brilliant Women Who Make a Difference.” The heartfelt stories within are soul touching, healing and affirmative.

What if we heard from more people consistently with this type of positive message?

You can hear each the author’s passion and courage as they discuss what they want their readers to take away. They are generous. They give their tips for moving ahead in life and careers. They are courageous as they discuss tough subjects and offer guidance for the way out of darkness.

Voices of the 21st Century Book Launch

Gail Watson, Founder of Women Speakers Association and WSA Publishing (the publisher of this book) reminds us in the forward of this book, “Our ability to speak is perhaps our most powerful force as human beings, and how we choose to use our words makes all the difference in the world….Whether your stage is the classroom, the boardroom, or the kitchen table – your voice matters.”
Kudos to all the authors…. You can learn more about all 50 of them here: http://VoicesOfThe21stCenturyBook.com