Women leaders are not immune to setbacks.

What if setbacks in our lives were gifts delivered to us for a purpose? As Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.” Though that may be true, you’ll need to be open and do what it takes to find that opportunity. First, assume that if there is an obstacle, you can find the opportunities that are available. Next, step into trust. That may be hard to do on your own. You may need to express your lack of trust to find it again. But our experts prove that this is essential and can quicken the process of finding healing, resolution or the next success that awaits.

On this July 23, 2020 WSA-TV Premier Show episode we feature powerful women leaders who offer their stories and their tips to making lemonade from lemons. You may get the inspiration you’ve been waiting for. /p>

Featuring: Sue Dumais & Rita Dunham

Our experts share some advice:

Sue tba

Rita shares “Some of our most difficult trials teach us the most powerful lessons.”


Sue Dumais is the author of “Heart Led Living~ When Hard Work Becomes Heart Work.” She is an intuitive healer who supports others to heal their past, trust their intuition, lead with their heart and discover their YES for life! Discover her work and book at http://heartledliving.com

Rita Dunham is an Author & Educator. She works with people overcoming setbacks. She shares strategies to help people overcome obstacles in life that often prevent people from reaching their full potential. Learn more about Rita and her work at https://tokenforthejourneydunham.com

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: http://TransformToday.com