Words can change lives.

Some of our most memorable moments have to do with words. Historically, leaders have used words to set in motion a vision. Whose words have impacted you? Words of wisdom can turn your life around and when stewarded you may pass it on for the next generation. Thus, your words matter whether you’re on stage, with a loved one or even a stranger. Most likely, your words have made a difference for someone. As a speaker you may never get to know that exact impact. Thus, it is even more important to pay attention to what you say and consciously choose your words for the effect you want to have.

As a messenger your words matter.

On this September 10, 2020 WSA-TV Premier Show episode we feature powerful women leaders who share their advice about using words to impact your life.

Featuring: Zaneta Varnado Johns & Traci Philips

Our experts share some advice:

Zaneta says “Every word shared is an opportunity to love. What we say and how we treat people makes a difference. As with the WSA, when we support each other we all benefit. Use your gifts to touch someone else.”

Traci shares “My greatest skill is hearing patterns in language that point to the things that block us, in addition to what uncovers our greatest strengths and potential. By paying attention to the words you use, you can learn a lot about yourself. What tense, tone and actual vocabulary you use paints a clear picture of where your focus is and, thus, where you are headed. Most of the time, when I ask clients to outline their goals and dreams, I find that the mindset they hold about these goals and dreams is not in alignment and is what’s keeping them from attaining what they want. Sometimes, the simple shift of a word, phrase or meaning, can shift how we approach things, which affects the outcomes we experience.”


Zaneta Varnado Johns is a Creative Writer. She inspires through creative writing. Every word shared is an opportunity to love. What we say and how we treat people makes a difference. Learn more about Zaneta and her work at http://www.zanexpressions.com

Traci Philips is an Executive Leadership & Performance Coach. She provides one-on-one coaching to a special breed of high energy, insanely innovative paradigm shifters. When Visionaries cannot achieve their visions, we all lose and cannot evolve to the Next Level, she finds what she does to be incredibly rewarding and crucial. Learn more about Traci and her work at https://theinnatecoach.com

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: http://TransformToday.com