Optimizing your high performance life is what leaders do.

When anxiety runs high in your life or in the world, our performance can be affected. Whether you feel unclear about how to accelerate your business, want to create better relationships, or simply enhance your well being and positivity, it’s time to look for solutions. You’ll need real solutions for creating a high performance life. Not rah rah or someone to tell you how great you are. Though we love that too. But to sustain a high performance state you need to be willing to do some mental and emotional work as well as look at what needs optimizing in your business.

Believe it or not, your high-performance life may need to start with a snap… from a hypnotherapist perhaps. Especially if you feel stuck or wish for a booster shot to get your act together. Our featured Premier Member experts offer their advice that will help you make your greatest impact by being your best. Living a high performance life is certainly achievable when you have great guidance.

On this Oct 15, 2020 WSA-TV Premier Show episode we feature powerful women leaders who will help you overcome anxiety, enhance your relationships and accelerate your business to have a high performance life.

Featuring: Melissa Conkling, April Qureshi, Colleen Elaine,
Evie Hernandez & Kim Riley

Our experts share some advice:

Melissa suggest “Listen to hypnosis recordings (they’re similar to guided meditation)! To get the most out of recordings, it’s best to learn about the hypnotist and “get to know them” online, since this builds rapport and trust. Listen when you can be undisturbed and comfortable for the duration, like bedtime, which is when I always listen to mine. And most importantly, don’t try too hard or feel like there’s a “right” way to feel when you are hypnotized – it’s different for everyone every time.”

April shares “a tool for overcoming the overwhelm and anxiety of running a business, leading others and having a life called, THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AND CONTROL:
1. Write out all the worries or concerns within one of three spheres: 1) within my control, 2) within my sphere of influence, 3) out of my control.
2. Working with the first 2 spheres, ask what is one small action you can take, right now, to feel better about the concern? Action is the antidote to anxiety.
3. Encourage yourself to let go of all the concerns that are out of your control and that you have no influence over. Cross them off and energetically release them back to the Universe/God to deal with!
4. Notice how you feel about each concern now.”

Colleen reminds us that “your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. Once you are aware that both your internal and external realities are a direct reflection of how you think and feel about yourself, you can choose to change your thoughts. The most important words you will ever hear are the words that you say to yourself. Make those words positive, loving and empowering because there is only one YOU and YOU ARE AWESOME!”

Evie says “You must Automate to Accelerate Your Business. Remember Strategic Precedes Tactics. You must create a Strategic Growth System to Grow Your Business.”

Kim says “Presence creates impact. The more we are able to get out of our heads with its constant thought patterns and worries, and focus our attention instead on the sensations and energy we feel inside our physical bodies, the more present in the moment we become. The more present we become, the more settled and confident we feel, the more comfortable we are to express ourselves, and the more others begin listen to us. Listening and getting other people’s attention is what creates impact.

Do this simple 3-step exercise to experience what it feels like to move from headspace to bodyspace, from mind chatter to presence.
1) First, focus attention in your head and on your thoughts. You can easily do this by worrying about something. Now, speak for a minute about your work or something important to you in your life.
2) The second step is to focus attention on the abdominal region of your body a few inches below your naval and back towards your spine. Imagine a small bright light suspended in that space. Now, speak for a minute about your work or something important to you.
3) Reflect on any difference you noticed in how and what you spoke about when focused on the two places of attention. What did you notice about the tone and speed of your voice? The content and depth of what you spoke about? The amount of positive or negative language and description you used?”


Melissa Conkling is a Certified Professional Hypnotist. She helps women who are struggling with weight loss to build healthier habits, regain confidence, and eliminate negative self-talk so they can achieve long-term success, feel at home in their bodies, and live an authentic and joyful life. Learn more about Melissa at http://www.connecticuthypnosis.com

April Qureshi is a Peak Performance Coach. She helps growth-oriented entrepreneurs and executives develop a high-performance mindset that strengthens internal awareness, maximizes output and focuses on growth for outstanding results. Learn more about April at https://coachaprilria.com/

Colleen Elaine is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist. She is passionate about helping overwhelmed and anxious entrepreneurs release any blocks, fears and/or false truths preventing them from living fully. Once they are set free from disempowering beliefs, they can live fully from their authentic truth. Learn more about Colleen at https://www.colleenelaine.com

Evie Hernandez is a Strategic Growth Speaker. She is passionate about helping business owners automate their online business so that they can accelerate their business. Learn more about Evie at http://SpeakersGrowthSummit.com

Kim Riley is a Midlife Transition Coach. She empowers women in their midlife years (40s to 60s) who are stuck in overwhelm and stress to discover their hearts’ desire, speak their truth and purpose, and have greater impact in theirs and others’ lives…. and to do so without apology, in other words, without making excuses. Learn more about Kim at http://www.living-connection.com

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: http://TransformToday.com