How To Make Your Personal and Professional Transformation.

Women are powerful change makers, leaders, and colleagues. You’ve seen them here on our blog and on the Premier Women Show. However, they didn’t start that way. Likely, they have a similar story to you. Maybe you’ve felt the urge to grow, make a bigger impact, or get unstuck. Often time this desire to grow comes with frustration and a lack of knowing how to make this transformation. In other words, your desire and trying to figure it out isn’t workng. However, your desire can help you find the right guidance to catapult you toward your transformation.

On this January 21, 2021 WSA-TV Premier Show episode our Premier Members generously share their tactics for transformation

Featuring:Tammy Rowland, Jean Price & and Roya Mattis

Our experts share some advice and tips:

Tammy reminds us “The best way to start mastering your mental fitness is by being kinder to yourself. If the list is long of how imperfect you are, then you will never enjoy the successes you create. Speak to yourself as if you were your 5 year old self. See the beautiful essence of that being and know that spirit is filled with the gifts of who you are right now. No amount of training and certifications will do this for you. Its inside work that must be done.”

Jean says simply “Give people a place to feel safe, be a great listener.”

Roya says “Once we get spirituality, physicality, conscious and subconscious in alignment you’ve unlocked the door to your potential! 1. We decide on a base line block in you or your company. 2. We plot empowering questions. 3. We oxygenate to access higher level of thinking. 4. Depending on where we are, I’ll instruct a journaling excercise, a brain dump, a breathing in to the heart technique, a snap of the finger exercise, a body testing you can do from anywhere or a may have to break your triad but that’s for 1 on 1 clients truly stuck. Takes off years of spinning or work without the level of results they are looking for.”


Tammy Rowland is an Executive Leadership & Mental Fitness Coach. She works with Middle management, Business owners & Entrepreneurs. She coaches her clients to build their confidence and expertise through taking command of their thinking by building the mental muscles needed, better communicate to deepen relationships and reduce their stress. Learn more about Tammy at

Jean Price is a Founder & CEO. She works with women of all ages and provides a platform to discuss real issues. Learn more about Jean at
Roya Mattis is a Transformational Coach and Speaker. She helps high achieving women level up performance, profitability, energy & peace both personally and professionally. Learn more about Roya at

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: