You have a passion, a story, a message, expertise, and a big heart. And you’re going to make a big impact because of it.

Though you may not know exactly who the beneficiaries will be of your wisdom, your intention to be a difference-maker is the catalyzing factor. Trust your drive and more lives than you know will be impacted. There are a few things that will give you the edge on getting to your dreams and goals and make the maximum impact you are dedicated to. When you put them into play you’ve got a roadmap to your maximum impact.

On this March 18, 2021 WSA-TV Premier Show episode our Premier Members, who are super passionate about sharing their pieces of the roadmap.

Featuring: Gillian Larson, Emmeline Saavedra
& Tracey Ehman

Our experts share some advice and tips:

Gillian says “”Create your personal road map with the steps to follow your personal path:

  • What is your “Dream” ?
  • Dig deep, be realistic and include a time frame. Be specific and know the Law of Attraction.
  • Exactly what will it take to reach it? Put each step on a sticky note and put it on a board so you can add to and move your thoughts as needed.
  • What are your personal qualities that you can use. What do you need to develop or improve on to match what you are working towards.
  • Remember to Dream it, Believe it, Prepare for it and only then you will Do it. Start walking that path, enjoy the journey and the destination.”

Emmeline reminds you tos “Always be curious. Always be humble knowing that we do not know enough. And always share and bless others with what we know and have.”

Tracey says “Build those relationships. Be open to new opportunites. And share your message with the world… it WILL have an impact.”


Gillian Larson is a Speaker & Event Producer. She speaks to any groups, live or virtual of any size, age or gender with the belief that everyone has a dream no matter their age and may need a little spark to ignite the flame to light their path. Learn more about Gillian at

Emmeline Saavedra is a Sales Trainer & Extreme Leadership Mentor. She teaches and trains business people how to create impact, influence and income by accelerating performance and creating impactful and lasting relationships. Learn more about Emmeline at​

Tracey Ehman is an Online Presence and Social Media Strategist. She also serves as Director of Operations for Women Speakers Association. She helps professional women find their voice and share their message online to impact as many people as possible. Learn more about Tracey at​.

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: