How To Be A Force for Positive Change.

Your vision for positive change in the world is meaningful especially if it’s something you’re passionate about and it gets you up in the morning. To be a force for this positive change, start with where you’re at. Acknowledge your intentions and your concerns. If you’re wondering how to pull it off and make a greater impact, know that it is natural to have doubt or fear at the same time. You might even be surprised that changing the world may be simpler to impact than you think.

On this April 21, 2021 WSA-TV Premier Show episode our Premier Members share great insights on how diving in and focusing on some specific personal victories can heighten your ability to be a driving force for inspiration and positive in the world.

Featuring: Charlotte Whittle, Heather Beaton
& Heather Cairns-Hodgson

Our experts share some advice and tips:

Charlotte says “Singing requires you to go within and listen to your body, mind and soul in order to have a free singing voice. Ask yourself: How am I feeling today? What healing do I need? How can I express my true self today? This is a great start to connecting with your authentic being and your inner truth.”

Heather B reminds us that “Someday is code for “it’s not likely going to happen”
Someday – You won’t have more money, nor less demands for your money
Someday – You won’t have extra time or fewer demands for that time
You’ll still have responsibilities, demanding that you wait for Someday
Wanting is future-based.
Someday requires choosing to own your life! ”

Heather C-H says “Stop being so afraid to love yourself where you are right now. Healing begins when we are brave enough to get really honest and open enough to accept who we are right now. And then, to be compassionate and kinder with ourselves as we move towards healing our innermost relationship.”


Charlotte Whittle is an Opera Singer. She sings from her Soul sending out a healing vibration. When she sings her hope is that people receive authentically what they need in that moment. Learn more about Charlotte at​

Heather Beaton is a Leadership Expert. She works with women looking to strengthen who they “Be” (how they show up) as leaders in their lives. Learn more about Heather at​

Heather Cairns-Hodgson is a Wellness Coach/Author. Using wellness, deep self-care, and a holistic approach, she teaches women how to heal their lives and find self-love. Learn more about Heather at

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: