Want to know what to do when challenges keep showing up and you feel stuck in a pattern?

Many people seem to feel like they are victims to their situation or challenges that keep getting thrown their way. The drama can be habit-forming. However, you can interrupt that pattern.

Catherine Moore and Maryann Rivera-Dannert share how to get unstuck and live the purposeful life they desire.

Our experts share their advice for women leaders and speakers:

Catherine says “A great way to grow your resiliency skills is to know yourself well, acknowledge the challenges you have overcome and be proud of your strengths. A quick reminder for how bad-ass you truly are is to make a list of the things you like about yourself and are proud of (Ex: personal characteristics, accomplishments, etc.), make another list of the hard situations in life that you got through (Ex: poverty, divorce, loss, addiction, injury, etc). Use these as a visual reminder of what you have overcome and the personal strengths you have to help you overcome future obstacles.”

Maryann shares “grab a sheet of paper, and your favorite beverage – get still and quiet your mind as much as possible. Think about your “perfect day”. Money, work, day to day obligations don’t matter – there are no restraints. Write out your perfect day and be as detailed as possible. Where are you waking up? What type of location? Who are you with? What do you see, smell, taste, etc… And when you’re all done, be brutally honest with yourself. Compare your perfect day to your everyday life. Where are the gaps? What must you start working on and changing today to get to where your soul aches to be? ”
Catherine Moore, LCSW is a Therapist and Mental Health Professional, Trainer and Speaker. She helps professional women who want to move from burnout to resiliency. You can learn at www.socialworkersrise.com/speak

Maryann Rivera-Dannert is an Author, Life Coach and Speaker. She serves women over the age of 35 who feel stuck and unfilled in their lives. You can learn more at https://maryannriveradannert.com

Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: http://TransformToday.com