Be A Memorable Speaker

Be A Memorable Speaker

How many times have you sat in a conference, seminar, business meeting or lecture, listened to one speaker or a series of speakers, and found that at the end of the day you couldn’t remember anything specific that was said? The presentations all seemed to run...
Don’t Take It Personally!

Don’t Take It Personally!

With the experience that comes from doing a lot of public speaking, professional politicians, company leaders or those who regularly speak in public for any reason usually look extremely calm, cool and confident when facing the crowd in the room, at the rally, or on...
It’s Not The Fear, It’s The Focus

It’s Not The Fear, It’s The Focus

People who aren’t comfortable speaking in public have dozens of reasons why they can’t or won’t do it. For some it’s a really debilitating fear; for others it’s just laziness or a reluctance to work that little bit harder to achieve...
Finding Ideas For Your Next Speech

Finding Ideas For Your Next Speech

It’s amazing how many times people ask me, “Where do you get the ideas for your Speaking Tips?” It rather strikes me as the same as my asking an accountant, “How do you know what to tell your client about his income tax?” Or a doctor,...
Win at the Inner Game of Speaking

Win at the Inner Game of Speaking

There’s an erroneous belief firmly entrenched in the minds of many folks who hate to give a speech.  They’re convinced the audience is there to judge them and find them wanting.  They’re sure they’ll forget something important or say something bass-ackwards, garble a...