By Lisa Manyon, Copywriting Strategist

Once you’ve fine-tuned your online presence to ensure your website is really working for you it’s time to think about your Content Strategy Plan. This extends to blogging (your own and guest blogs), article marketing, newsletters, social media posts and video scripts.
You must also think about your Publicity Plan and consider your press release strategies.

As a speaker one of the most important elements of your success is being known and gaining media exposure as well as favorable search engine rankings. The two things that will help you with this are your Content Strategy Plan and your Publicity Plan.

Often speakers will contact me to invest in press release writing services. While I’m always happy to help (I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, writing press releases), I do have to ask some questions to make sure this isn’t a waste of their time or mine.

First, I need to know the strategy. If there is no strategy in place then we need to make sure the press release goals are clear before we get started and we also need to make sure the speaking platform is really ready for publicity.

One of the main components of your Publicity Strategy will be press releases. If there is a strategy in place it’s usually a strategy to gain Internet publicity or mainstream media attention (although sometimes it can consist of both) via press releases.

If your press release is meant to gain Internet publicity by driving visitors to your website, educating about your upcoming teleclass, speaking topics or event or perhaps even getting the attention of bloggers, your strategy will be different than, say, getting mainstream media attention for your newly published book.

What is your Content Strategy Plan? Do you have a Publicity Strategy?

Share your thoughts here.