I'm The Expert

At Women Speakers Association we are constantly looking for more ways to help you expand your visibility and grow as a speaker.

Did you know that as a Premier Member, you are eligible for consideration to be one of our featured guest experts for our #SpeakerChats or a Conversation Starter for our Virtual Roundtables?

When you are featured as a Guest Expert or Conversation Starter, you not only grow your credibility as an expert in your field, you also gain significant exposure through our various distribution channels.

CLICK HERE to apply for consideration as a guest expert on an upcoming SpeakerChat! (NOTE: You Must Already Be Logged Into Your Premier Member Area To Apply.)

You may or may not know that one of the most powerful credibility boosters out there is Twitter. That’s why we host a weekly Twitter-based #SpeakerChat – an opportunity to spotlight your expertise to our community of speakers, entrepreneurs and messengers. It’s fun, its informative and it’s a valuable way to get seen while building up your social media community.

CLICK HERE to apply for consideration as a Conversation Starter on an upcoming Virtual Roundtable! (NOTE: You Must Already Be Logged Into Your Premier Member Area To Apply.)

Not yet a Premier Member and want to be considered as a featured SpeakerChat guest?
CLICK HERE to upgrade NOW!