Women Speakers Association WSA-TV highlights the inspiring work and advice from these dynamic women.


This episode features women leaders: Alysa Rushton,

Marilyn Wilson, Taayla Mark & Niobe Weaver


Find out more about these WSA Leaders

Alysa Rushton shows heart-centered entrepreneurs how to give a signature talk that gets their soulmate clients lining up to work with them. Learn more at http://GetClientsWithSpeaking.com

Marilyn R. Wilson inspires others to embrace their own unique purpose and let their definition of success come from within. There is no right path to follow, there is no correct way to live – we are all extraordinary in our own way. http://MarilynRWilson.com

Taayla Mark works with the sandwich generation providing financial strategies that are non-traditional to these people that are in non-traditional situations http://EngraceFinancial.com

Niobe Weaver
is dedicated to awakening women to the power of who they truly are. That they are their own unique melody of walking beauty, that can move change and heal our world. http://NiobeWeaver.com

Host and Google Hangout On Air Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Social Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist, of http://SocialBuzzClub.com and http://TransformToday.com

Advice from our WSA Experts

We asked our featured guests to share some of the valuable wisdom that they use with their clients.

Alysa says to step more fully into your authentic message. The clients, impact and income will come rolling in when you step more fully into telling the uncomfortable parts of your story.

Marilyn reminds us of two things: 1. Our quirks that society tells us we needed to change to be accepted are actually our gifts when we discover our life purpose; 2. “There is no secret to success, just do and be brave.” – William Orlowski (friend and one of her personal icons.)

Taayla reminds us to please do not take financial advise from people that, if you take a moment to consider, would not be your role model of where you want to be financially.

Niobe reminds you not look in the mirror for validation of your beauty. Place your hands on your heart and your solar plexus, close your eyes and hum!
