Discover the path to creating health and balance.
When you have your health you can create more life balance. When you focus on having balance you are positioned for better health. Wherever you’re at, you deserve to feel well in your body and great about your life. With a few simple steps you can bring yourself to better health and more peace, joy and purpose.
On this August 9th WSA-TV Premier Show episode our Premier Women Speakers share tips for health and balance.
Featuring: Dr. Lina Thakar and Olga Geidane
Advice from our WSA Experts
We asked our featured guests to share some of their valuable wisdom with us.
Dr. Lina shares 3 easy steps “1 – REACTIVATE your energy levels by improving digestion. 2 – REVERSE your chronic sickness by releasing internal toxins. 3 – RESTORE health by applying mental and spiritual healing tools.”
Olga reminds us to “1. Always write your thoughts and crazy dreams. That is the beginning of the big change in your life. 2. Whatever goal you have – think of the next one, it can be called a mission. In this case the current goal becomes just a step towards a bigger mission and your subconscious is not that scared anymore. 3. Constantly ask yourself – how can I be better? How can I do this or that better?”
Dr. Lina Thakar is a Ayurveda Doctor, Speaker & Author. She offers an integrative wellness program called as “LifExtension In 3.” Being an Ayurveda doctor she empowers people to potentially live longer by redesigning health. Her process allows the body to heal itself in 3 simple steps to potentially add 10-15 years of life, reverse aging process, eliminate chronic sickness, fatigue and pain. Learn more about Dr. Lina’s work at
Olga Geidane is a Life Coach, Business Mentor & Speaker. She work with people hungry for a change: whether it is their personal life, relationships, work or all of them. She believes in living the life we have to the full potential and beyond! Therefore she takes her clients the extra mile beyond motivating them with accountability and checking inon them to ensure they follow their action plan! Learn more about Olga and her work at
Our Host and Producer is Laura Rubinstein, Certified Hypnotherapist, Digital Media & Marketing Mentor and Business Transformation Strategist. Follow her blog here: