How to Get Unstuck

How to Get Unstuck

Want to know what to do when challenges keep showing up and you feel stuck in a pattern? Many people seem to feel like they are victims to their situation or challenges that keep getting thrown their way. The drama can be habit-forming. However, you can interrupt that...

Rising Australian Women

Rising Australian Women

Brigitte Stills is a top real estate professional in Australia and Global Business Connector with Women Speakers Association. She is also dedicated to supporting women in business around the world. Her journey with Women Speakers Association began after a call with...

An Empowered Woman: What Does She Look Like?

An Empowered Woman: What Does She Look Like?

During this WSA-TV Premier Show,  Anita Russell shares the following with us: 1) Why is women’s empowerment imperative in today’s society? 2) Who benefits from women’s empowerment? 3) How does women’s empowerment contribute to gender equity? Network with Anita Russell...

The Keys To Authentic Collaboration

The Keys To Authentic Collaboration

We are better, stronger, and have more impact together. But how do we collaborate for the greatest impact while we are true to ourselves. Our experts explore the power of bringing in feminine qualities in business and staying curious can bring people together. Watch...

Taking Care In Tough Times

Taking Care In Tough Times

Those who care for others are invaluable. The caretakers are those who make life better for others. As women, we often default to being the caretaker in lots of situations. When you are the caretaker, we remind you to keep yourself in mind. This not only takes care of...
